Please note that this software will only work with iDVR-E video surveillance DVRs from CCTV Camera Pros. You can download the latest EMS2 DVR software here. You can also watch a video demo here to see this process. You can also skip ahead to this section (after you download and install the DVR software) if you would like to download a file that we previously exported using the demo surveillance system at CCTV Camera Pros warehouse. You can use these instructions to perform a video backup and playback using your iDVR-E. We also have an article located here to backup and playback video using the Mac DVR software.
Download the Enterprise Management Software v2 and follow along with these instructions to experience how to playback exported video surveillance footage from a Windows PC. In addition to the live CCTV camera viewing, the Windows DVR client software iDVR-E surveillance DVRs lets users open and playback recorded video files that have been exported via the backup function. You are here: Home > Support & Knowledge Base > iDVR Support > Video File Backup & Playback (Windows Software)ĬCTV DVR Video File Backup & Playback with Windows Software