Is also used as a final stroke after and insertion If you wish to be an all-encompassing editor or proofreader, ready for any situation, you should know these proofreaders' marks and be able to use them with ease.
Local, in-house style guides may vary from company to company with additional marks specific to that industry but the proofreading symbols below are common to all. The following is a complete list as taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary. However, for those who do not like on screen editing and for those who must edit the hardcopy, these marks are still indispensable. The advent of the Internet and word processing programs such as Microsoft Word and WordPerfect with their editing functions have made these proofreaders' marks almost obsolete.
Proofreaders' marks or, as they are often called 'proofreading symbols', are still used, but with much less frequency than in the past. PROOFREADERS' MARKS AND PROOFREADING SYMBOLS
US $250 for Articles on Writing and Editing English Script Raters & Test Markers Needed.